Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Enter the Tale of Many Gamers

I'm painting an army for my local gaming club's Tale of Many Gamers. Basically it's an excuse to paint an army for Warhammer 40k. My army of choice is Chaos Space Marines, specifically ones dedicated to Nurgle, the God of Disease and Decay, although I might slip in a few allied troops of the other Chaos Gods.

The way the Tale of Many Games works is you start with unpainted miniatures (or buy them along the way), then each round you paint enough to meet a cumlative point total. So for the first round I'd need to paint 16 guys and a tank, then for the second round I'd need those and 3 more, and for the third round still 7 more, etc.

I set out with two criteria in mind in addition to the rules for the ToMG: to convert as much as possible from vanilla space marines (instead of just buying Chaos Marines), and to only spend $50 a month.